Before being launched and uploaded to the app store, each application undergoes a process known as app QA testing. This involves a series of quality checks relating to various different parameters.

בדיקות QA לאפליקציה

App Development for Android

So, you’ve completed the programming phase of the app development process, right on schedule. You can’t wait to tell everyone and their dogs about the new app. We get it, but hang on a second. Don’t say anything before doing app QA testing. 

This is a critical moment in the app’s journey from the developer’s desk to the real world. Don’t take shortcuts and don’t compromise on the professional rules.


Compared to the QA testing for iOS apps, testing an Android app is considered a bit more challenging.

Why? Because the Android operating system runs on many types of devices from different manufacturers. Due to this diversity, it’s important to check that the app is optimized for every possible device. True, it’s not possible to cover every single device by any manufacturer anywhere in the world, but you can certainly ensure your app will work on the majority of them.

Skipping app QA testing, or doing a rush job, can have serious consequences:

  • Reducing the target audience due to incompatibility with certain devices, meaning you do not achieve sufficient ROI.
  • Significantly harming the user experience, leading to user abandonment and negative reviews.
  • Requiring major changes and adjustments after launch.

App Testing for Android – Preparing the Device

When discussing app testing, it is important to differentiate between iOS (app development for iPhone) and Android (app development for Android).

Testing an app for iOS is relatively simple. An iOS-based app is designed to run on iPads, iPods, and iPhones… and that’s it. The range is very limited and, in any case, Apple makes occasional updates and adjustments.

Testing an app for Android, on the other hand, is much more complex. This operating system works on many different types of devices around the globe. As a result, a less-than-through testing process can condemn your app to a cruel fate – even if it works perfectly on a small percentage of devices, most other devices will not be able to use it.

When performing QA testing, you should first consider the app’s target audience and whether they will be able to access it. For example, if the app is designed for Israeli women, ages 23-25, an in-depth study is required to find, among other things, what is the most common device used by this demographic, and whether the app is optimized for it.

New Year, New Version – App Testing on Different Versions

New operating system versions are released almost every year. This means that there are several different versions being used at any one time by both Android users and iOS users.

Planning on developing an app soon? We’ll be happy to advise you on how to select the right development process for you, based on the most popular OS among your target audience.

More Tests for Apps in General

On top of the dedicated Android tests, additional tests adapted to iOS must be performed to ensure the app works well for everyone.

App Testing Highlights:

  • Testing the app on different devices (including different operating systems and screen sizes).
  • Testing the app on different networks.
  • Testing the app in airplane mode.
  • If the app requires personal details – are they really required?
  • Can you log in via a social media account?
  • Does the app install without hiccups?
  • User experience – application speed.
  • Effect of app usage on the battery.
  • Does each button lead to the right screen?
  • Do the right error alerts appear when required?
  • And more…

How do you perform thorough app testing?

The testing phase is an essential, necessary part of any app development project. App testing is a complex, time-consuming process that demands professional expertise, technological understanding, and market knowledge.

At Shtibel, we perform app testing in accordance with a thorough, comprehensive protocol. Our testing program is customized to each app, because each app is custom-built to meet the customer’s needs.

As mentioned above, Android and iOS app testing requires reference to the parameters relevant to those apps, such as a specific screen size and operating system. During the test, we go through the specification document, section by section, marking what is correct and correcting any issues, as needed. At the end of the testing process, we release the optimal version of the app – the version you’ve been dreaming about since before you approached us for our first meeting.

Now we’ve reached the most exciting stage: uploading the best possible product to the app stores. Fame and glory have never been closer…

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