Tech support from the pros

Woohoo! App development is complete. The app is on the air, you’re on cloud nine, downloads are racking up and your business is going in the right direction – UP!

So why do you need technical support? As always, we’re happy to explain.

How and when the app development and support team come into the picture:


Problem: The launch stage of any app is usually accompanied by requests to make various changes and additions for practical reasons. In addition, despite comprehensive testing, it sometimes turns out that the app doesn’t function well on phones running a certain version of Android.

Solution: Making the appropriate changes and adjustments to support the relevant version.


Problem: Google and Apple, our global overlords, introduce new changes in the requirements and regulations regarding the structure of the app. Of course, this means that the entire app has to be updated to reflect the new requirements, or risk being deleted from the stores.

Solution: A professional technical support team, including experienced programmers, makes the necessary changes and adjustments to the app, in line with market needs or the requirements of Google and Apple.


The app technical support services are at your disposal during all regular business hours. In emergencies, you can even obtain a response outside these hours.

Technical support inquiries are answered by phone, WhatsApp, and email, Sunday-Friday. Saturday is our time to gather our energy for the week ahead, or to think about our next amazing app…

Moving Forward with Code

Got an existing app but suddenly have to make changes or adjustments to the code due to Google or Apple requirements? Not sure what to do. Talk to us – we might be able to help, even if we didn’t write the original code.

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